Thursday, October 4, 2012

Taking Care Of Your Horse's Food & Water Needs

By Roland Stockwell

While owning a horse can be a wonderful, fulfilling experience, it also can be a lot of work. Horses definitely require specific care, so be sure you consider the following when purchasing a horse.

In the olden days, wild horses roamed the land, munching on native grasses. Today, while some horses do enjoy eating pasture grass, hay often makes up the bulk of a horse's diet. Purchasing hay from a feed store is an easy way to keep your horse fed.

Because hay is dry, it lacks salt. If your horse is primarily a hay-fed horse, you need to have some salt for your horse. Consider mineral mix that provides salt, vitamins and minerals. There are many different types of mineral mixes on the market, so select the most natural kind and make it easy for your horse to snack. Horses definitely enjoy their treats, but it is best not to overdo it. A few good, nutritious treats include raisins, sugar cubes, and apples or carrots cut into pieces.

Of course, horses need quite a bit of water throughout the day, so you will need a large stock tank. These tanks are typically not emptied and cleaned every day, so you will need a product such as the Stock Tank Cleaner by Healthy Ponds to keep the water fresh and safe.

The cleaner is a dispenser that holds a pack with beneficial, safe bacteria. The bacteria work to dissolve sludge and other residue. This veterinarian-approved product contains no chemicals and is safe for horses, people and all wildlife. When you begin using the stock tank cleaner, begin with a clean tank full of fresh water.

Not only do you need to think about good food and fresh water, horses need quite a bit of grooming. Generally you will want to groom every couple of days, and this includes brushing and taking a look at the horse's hooves, as well as occasionally cleaning teeth. You will need several combs and brushes to keep the coat clean and the mane and tail untangled and pristine. You also need to find a great large animal vet to come out from time to time and check or clean your horse's teeth, provide vaccines and assess the animal's health needs.

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