Thursday, October 18, 2012

Landscaping for a Year-Round Yard

By Hedrick Lepsch

There are many different things that you will probably want to include in your landscape design. You may also want to include some useful plants, like blueberries, in your plan.

Caring for the lawn can be difficult if the person is unsure of tricks and tips for lush and green grass. Lawn aficionados know that the best greenery is produced in conjunction with a great fertilizing plan.

Fertilizer is basically like food for the grass; it provides the necessary nutrients that are necessary for it to grow thick and healthy and also improves the soil for future growing projects. A plant's health is derived from its environment and the elements that go into caring for it.

You have to consider how much space you are working with, budget, materials, climate, design, and purpose. These are just a few, but there are so many more things you need to consider when planning the look of your outdoor space. One of the first steps you can take is to make sure you are providing something of interest in each of the four seasons. Do-it-yourself landscaping for four-season interest begins with a well researched plant-selection plan.

When you are carefully examining them, you will want to make sure that they are not afflicted with any insects or diseases. They should also look fully hydrated and happy. It does not matter so much whether you purchase them in pots or with bare roots as it matters that they are free of these things. If you want the plants to take root easily where you plant them, those that are purchased in containers usually fare better.

However, bare root plants should fare just fine as well with a little nourishment and care. As a result, if you are at the store and you see both of these kinds for the same price, you will definitely want to choose the container grown version.

However, if they are not the same price, you will need to take these other things into consideration and make the decision yourself. By visiting the store yourself, you will be able to save on shipping charges as well. Container plants are typically harder to find that bare root plants, because they are easier. However, bare roots will work just fine as long as you keep them moist and out of the direct sunlight or high temperatures until you plant them.

When you are carefully looking over the possible selections, you will want to make sure that you avoid getting ones that are too old or too young. Those that are too young will not be ready to be transplanted and those that are too old will have a hard time adapting to the changes. The best plants to purchase are those that are two or three years old. Those that are younger than this will have a much higher risk of suffering from water stress.

They will also require a lot of attention and care from you if they are going to survive. The next thing you will need to carefully make a decision on is where you will put your new plants.

Some of these are more toxic to pets and animals, but there has been a big push to make these substances safer. A large majority are liquids which are easier to apply by attaching to a hose but may not last as long and need more frequent applications.

You will also need to be careful to make sure that they will receive the right amount of sun in the location where you intend to put them. When your plants are young, you will want to make sure that you keep tall grass and other weeds from choking them and blocking the sunlight.

Flowers are great, but do not forget the characteristics of a plant's branching pattern and foliage. In landscape design, varying form and texture is one way to spice up a yard with diversity.

One of the things that you will want to make sure you check is the acidity of the soil. The soil should be fairly acidic, with a pH below 5.5, and not too wet.

There are many things you can do to adjust the pH of the soil if it is not quite right. The first year will be the most important for your blueberries.

By staying on top of your yard and the weeds, you will be able to maintain a beautiful yard that will be the envy of all of your neighbors. In addition, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful outdoors with your family and friends on nice summer evenings.

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