Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Learning More About The Designs Of Flowers

By Claudia Campos

The reproduction structure found in a blooming plant is known as flowers Columbus. Its main function is to cause reproduction of species, through provision of a mechanism for the fusion of an egg and a sperm. This fusion leads to fertilization which is caused by the transfer of pollens from the anthers to the stigma.

Pollination is the process whereby pollen grains are moved from one plant to another. This can be through self pollination or cross pollination. The self mode is whereby movement of pollens is within the same plant, while the cross mode is whereby the movement of the grains is across other blooms of similar species. This is achieved through assistant of external factors such as animals and wind.

A bloom consists of four main designs that include corolla, stamen, stigma and calyx attached to the stem of the plant. They run from the base of the bloom to the upper part. Fertilization occurs along these four structures above. Hence, they are very vital in the reproduction of plants species.

The corolla is composed of petals which are smooth, thin and attractive to animals. The stamens comprises of the filament and anther where pollens are produced. Finally, the carpel is the innermost part that forms an ovary. The ovary produces ovules which in turn produce mega spores. This in turn gives rise to egg cells. However, some blossoms may have different structures since they may be modified depending on their function. The variations are used to identify and distinguish different species.

The species having more than one blossom on an axis are referred to as inflorescence. They are made up of many small blossoms that are in a particular pattern resembling a single blossom. A common example of these kinds of plants is sunflower. The blossoms undergo transition during a period that is favorable for fertilization and the formation of the seeds.

All blooming plants produce two kinds of spores which are transferred to stigma. These spores are micro spores which are produced in the anthers and mega spores that are produced inside the ovules. Hence, Flowers Columbus is very vital in promoting a greener environment.

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